Does God Forgive Abortion? This Is for the Woman Struggling With Shame
Does God forgive abortion? As a woman who struggled with deep soul-chaining shame because of my own abortion as a young girl, I am honored to share Alise Townsend’s story of hope and redemption. Alise wrote this for the woman who desires to find peace with her past. Welcome, Alise, and thank you for unveiling hope in the name of Jesus!
Does God Forgive Abortion?
Simply stated, the answer to this question is, “Yes.” However, I invite you on a journey to learn how God forgave me. Perhaps you are contemplating an abortion, struggling on the other side of an abortion, know someone, or have been in a relationship with someone who has had an abortion. Or, you are someone who has not been affected by abortion personally, but you want to learn more about God’s forgiveness. Wherever you fall on the wheel, know that God forgives abortion.
My Story
I didn’t grow up in church and did not have a foundation in Jesus Christ. However, while we kept a lot of things secret, I grew up with awesome parents. I grew up knowing God was real, but I did not have a relationship with Jesus.
At an early age, I was told not to have sex. But I didn’t know why, and I didn’t ask either. I began to seek validation from men and in high school, I got into my first real relationship and had unprotected sex. I did not know Biblical reasons to abstain from sex until marriage and quite frankly thought I knew what was best. So, in high school, I got pregnant and had an abortion.
I was crushed, to say the least. I felt ashamed, guilty, overwhelmingly sad, angry, and fearful of what people would think about me, especially my family. During this time in my life, the enemy taunted me with awful thoughts, and I began to believe I didn’t want to be on this earth anymore. I began to believe that I didn’t have a purpose.
But God!
I was hurting internally and felt like I couldn’t tell anyone because I was keeping a secret from my family and friends. Fear of judgment and condemnation from others consumed me. I now realize the enemy loves to attack us about things we keep secret. So, I felt like ending my life for quite some time.
One day I was so down and wanted to end it all. But I strongly felt the urge to play His Eye On A Sparrow by the Mississippi Children’s Choir. I now know that it was the Holy Spirit speaking to me. I listened to this song over and over and over again. It is significant because it is an encouragement to anyone feeling discouraged. This song is a reminder that heaven is our home and Jesus is our portion. If God can watch over a sparrow certainly He will watch over His children (Matthew 6:25-27). I can confidently say God saved my life that day. God saved me and He can save you, too.
How Does God Forgive Abortion?
After I graduated from college, I got saved, and that is when I was forgiven by God. In Colossians 1:13-14 NLT, it reads, “For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.” So if you are wondering, “How does God forgive abortion?” He forgives us through His only Son who purchased our freedom with the shed of His blood on the cross.
How I Learned to Forgive Myself for My Abortion
I did not learn to forgive myself until about ten years after my abortion. I know that is quite a long time. During those nine and a half years, I went through cycles of fornication, alcohol and drug use, toxic relationships, and all sins alike.
I was lost. I was trying to fill a void only Jesus could fill.
It wasn’t until I went to the altar at my church that the stronghold of shame was broken off me by the grace of God. I am now walking in freedom from shame, renewing my mind daily, and washing myself in God’s Word (Ephesians 5:26). I have been forgiven, redeemed, and pardoned. And you can be too.
I share my story to bring hope to someone, anyone honestly, so that you can see that God is good. Being forgiven doesn’t mean the pain goes away, but it does mean that we have someone to rely on who took that pain for us. His name is Jesus.
Jesus paid the price on the cross so we didn’t have to. I still feel hurt from my decision but I don’t have to walk in shame anymore. I can tell my story in confidence because I have a big God on my side who loves me and catches my tears.
God is with you as well. You are not alone.
I would like to mention that once God has forgiven, healed, and delivered you, let go. Do not feel like you have to overcompensate and make up for doing something wrong. When you repent, God has forgiven you and throws your sin as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12).
I say this because I found myself doing this recently, trying to overcompensate and aggressively bring people to Christ. As you can probably guess, it wasn’t going well. Now, I know I can be myself — unashamed because my Father has forgiven me. My works do not save me, it is God’s grace and my faith in Christ Jesus that does.
So, be yourself … be your authentic self. If you have had an abortion, be the woman God has created you to be. Get back up and follow Him. An abortion does not stop God from using you. Let Him use you. He has people for you to reach and connect with. Let God love you and let God Father you. Sister, I love you with the love of the Lord, be encouraged, and know that God is the God who sees. (Genesis 16:13)
If you feel like you’re far away, He sees you and wants you to turn to Him. If God forgave me, He will forgive you. Hear my heart when I say this, give yourself to God, salvation is for everyone it is an open invitation. Openly confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved (Romans 10: 9-10).
May You Begin Healing From Your Abortion Today
I’m not sure where you are on this journey, but I know that you are not alone. Just like I wasn’t and I’m still not alone. I will end this with a Scripture that was shared with me recently regarding my desire to overcompensate because of my past.
“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.
Romans 8:1-2 NLT
When the enemy tries to make you feel condemned because of your past, fight back with this Scripture and let him know there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
I pray you were blessed by my testimony and I know I will have more to share as my faith journey continues.
Thank You, Jesus, for transforming my life, all glory belongs to You!
About the Author
Alise Townsend
I am Alise Townsend and I love Jesus! I grew up in sunny California and I now live in Arizona with the amazing heat. My biography is in progress because I am learning who God has created me to be. My life has taken a huge turn from loving the world to loving and following Christ. He has called me to share my story of salvation and redemption. The more I tell my story, the more I learn who I am in Christ Jesus. I will keep telling my story to reach anyone and continue to walk in the will of God. I am excited to continue to learn who God created me to be. Stay tuned and God bless you.
Wait! Before You Go!
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This has been a very encouraging post. I struggled with the pain of abortion guilt as well but I thank God for his grace. It hurts the more when we do things that we know are wrong. However, we can move on from our past mistakes if we surrender them all to Jesus. Thank you Lori for sharing your story!