Are You Missing the Moments That Matter Most?

In each of our lives there is a level of tension when it comes to the issue of time. It’s a fight for each of us at some point – some of us more than others. I often joke that I keep praying for more than a 24-hour day, but God never sees fit to grant me that request.

I’ve come to realize, though, that it’s time I wave a white flag in surrender. Fighting time is a battle no one will ever win. Time continually passes and we have no control over it. There simply is no fight to be won.

Yet there is a fight worth fighting. It’s a fight to not miss the moments that matter.

We may not be able to fight time itself. But we surely can fight to not miss the moments that matter! #moments #jordwatches @woodwatches_com Share on X

Do you feel as though you are fighting a losing battle as you try to fully live in the moments that matter most? What is chronos and kairos time and which one is the right battle to fight? I teamed up with #JORDWATCHES to share strategies for not missing the moments that matter in this post! #chronos #kairos #time #moments #chrisitianlife #momentsofhope

It’s a battle of chronos versus kairos.

The Bible talks about three kinds of time. Chronos and kairos are two of those Greek words used.

Chronos refers to sequential time. It is the time that continually moves from the past to the present and into the future. The one of which we have no control.

Kairos refers to a right or opportune moment. It’s the moments of our lives. The ones creating markers within the fabric of our memories and making us into who we are today. They determine the kind of legacy we leave behind.

However, this is what I wonder …

As we rush from one thing to the other, burying our heads in our phones and other digital devices, and frantically checking off items on our to-do lists, are we missing out on the moments that matter? Are we too distracted to make the most of the ones that really matter?

As we rush from one thing to the other, burying our heads in our phones and other digital devices, and frantically checking off items on our to-do lists, are we missing out on the moments that matter? #moments #jordwatches… Share on X

As we fight the boundaries of chronos, are we losing the fight to soak in the kairos that matters?

Therefore see that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people], making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence] … -Ephesians 5:15-16 AMP

Don’t get me wrong, keeping our minds from racing and our emotions from distracting is a tough thing. But it’s a thing worth fighting for –  so that when we look back on life, we see that what mattered most received the best of us.

Do you feel as though you are fighting a losing battle as you try to fully live in the moments that matter most? What is chronos and kairos time and which one is the right battle to fight? I teamed up with #JORDWATCHES to share strategies for not missing the moments that matter in this post! #chronos #kairos #time #moments #chrisitianlife #momentsofhope

This week I’m sharing with you the beautiful watches created by Jord. They are a collection of hand-crafted wood timepieces. Created with raw material and a refined design to fit a modern lifestyle. But beyond all that cool information, they are g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s!

You know I don’t do a whole lot of affiliate work or product reviews here in this space because it’s a precious space God has given me to share hope with you. So there has to be something extra special about a product for me to do so. And here’s where Jord got me:


The value of a watch is not in being able to tell how much time has passed, but in being aware of the need to make that time count. Moments are bigger than minutes and your watch should tell more than time.

How can a girl learning to be present in the moments that matter most not resonate with those words? Friends, kairos are bigger than chronos. Can I get an AMEN?

Do you feel as though you are fighting a losing battle as you try to fully live in the moments that matter most? What is chronos and kairos time and which one is the right battle to fight? I teamed up with #JORDWATCHES to share strategies for not missing the moments that matter in this post! #chronos #kairos #time #moments #chrisitianlife #momentsofhope

I don’t want to miss the moments to:

Bless others by listening well. When we really hear people we gain perspective through their eyes. We give them an opportunity to be seen and known.

Mark what won’t be mine to have forever. Our kids grow, seasons change, and the cycle of life completes. Our moments in the trenches are ones we never get back.

Notice love. Whether it’s with a spouse, family, or friends – the moments of love are often small. They are in the smile, the sparkle, a hug, or even the simplest of gestures.

Do you feel as though you are fighting a losing battle as you try to fully live in the moments that matter most? What is chronos and kairos time and which one is the right battle to fight? I teamed up with #JORDWATCHES to share strategies for not missing the moments that matter in this post! #chronos #kairos #time #moments #chrisitianlife #momentsofhope

No. I don’t want to miss them. Because they matter.

They keep our hope tank filled up on the drier days. They are the gifts given so lovingly by a God who longs for us to soak in His love and grace.

But here’s the deal. The enemy longs to distract us. His goal is chaos. He doesn’t want us to notice the moments nor the recognize them as gifts from God.

So friends, what can we do?

Be present in the moments. Once they are gone we never get them back again! #moments #jordwatches @woodwatches_com Share on X

Here are some things I’ve been working on that help me keep noticing the moments that matter:

  1. Breathe deeply. Notice when your body is tense. It is sending you alerts to the needed oxygen.
  2. Take note of the thoughts running amuck. Call out the unnecessary ones as well as the unproductive ones. Intentionally put a halt to them by envisioning a stop sign in your mind.
  3. Look up. Our phones and other digital media are stealing our moments far too often in today’s world!
  4. Find 3 good or positive facts about any given situation. (This works wonders when your brain is on fire with negativity!)
  5. Draw your mind back to the present. Focus on the moment and give it your best.
  6. Smile. Or even better, laugh. Finding the humor in the moments releases tension and helps us focus on the good which usually ends up being the moment that matters.
6 things I've been working on to keep noticing the moments that matter ... what tips can you add to the list? #moments #jordwatches @wood_watches Share on X
What are some other tips or tricks you have in the battle of chronos versus kairos?

Have You Read Our Story of Hope?

In a true story of learning that trust means surrendering your version of how the story should unfold, Lori and Bryan finally let go--of their adoption dream, of their daughter, of their fears and frustrations. And in that relinquishment, God began to move. #adoption #nationaladoptionmonth #adoptionstories #godslove

The Surrendered Hearts book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, and Redemption Press.

Don’t Miss Out!

When our hope is found in people, achievement, or life dreams we suffer a rollercoaster of hope. And it can never last. So where do we find a hope that lasts and how do we keep hope alive? #hope #godslove

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  1. What a great post, Lori! I welcome the reminder to slow down. Now that 4 of my 6 kids are grownups, I know all too well how precious the kiaros moments are. Thank you for the reminder to stop and smell the roses before they wither. Blessings to you and thank you for hosting (and for the opportunity to win a beautiful watch!!!!).

    1. It goes so quickly, doesn’t it? With my eldest turning 17, I feel like if I blink, the next year will be gone and he will be heading off to college. And as exciting and thrilled as I am to see God do mighty things in his life, my momma heart aches to hold him close. I’m paying extra special attention to the kairos moments for sure ♥ Sending you hugs!

  2. I can absolutely see why you’ve fallen in love with those watches! I love analog!
    And it was Madeleine L’Engle who introduced me to the words Chronos and Kairos, so I loved reading about that today.What a lovely post!

    1. Hi Michele!
      I really do love the watch. It is so pretty and versatile! Thank you for joining me this week and I’m so glad it was an encouragement ♥ Hugs!

  3. I have to be so careful with this – especially with phone time. I am so thankful for this reminder of kiaros. It really hit home for me this morning!!

  4. Now that I’m an empty-nester, Lori, I resonate so much with what you’ve shared. Time has flown by in my life and I want to seize the moments that matter more and more! Thanks for this important reminder, my friend! And thank you for the linkup too! Hugs to you!

    1. Hi Beth! My eldest just turned 17 yesterday and there is something about that number that seems so grown up. I’ve been even more nostalgic than ever with this birthday of his – and feeling as though these moments are passing so quickly. I want to hold them close to my heart ♥ Hugs!!

  5. Time. What we all wish we had more of. Great thoughts here. And the watches are gorgeous. Thank you.

    1. Right? We only get that 24 hours a day – no more and no less. It’s up to us how we use that time. Not an easy task though!!! Blessings ♥

  6. Amen! Making moments count! Thanks for this timely reminder, Lori. Blessings to you!

  7. Great post Lori!
    Our lives are made up of interlocking moments, we need to enjoy them as they come, we never get them back! 😉