5 Love Notes to Remind You of Your Worth

There are those days we walk out into our days knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt we are children of the King. We walk in confidence.


And feel like we won’t ever slip into those dark places again.

But then we do. And it stinks … beyond the shadow of a doubt.

5 Love Notes to Remind You of Your Worth - When you find yourself sinking downward into the place of believing lies about your worth, fill your mind with these 5 Scriptures of God's unfailing love for you. As a tangible reminder, a printable option is available! Lori Schumaker - #ChosenandWorthy #MomentsofHope

Maybe it’s the slow trickle of disappointing life events. Or maybe it is accumulating chaos wearing us down. Yet often it’s just one devastating blow that sends us spiraling downward.

Downward into where we entertain the self-talk that only serves to steal the very victory we claimed not long before.

Friends, I know it is not easy to climb out of those dark places. I know that in the midst of those moments, it feels too hard to pray and too hard to cancel lies with Truth.

But, sweet warrior friends, there is too much at stake to NOT grab hold of those moments, pray boldly, and cancel each and every lie with confidence.

You are a #ChosenandWorthy child of the King. Nothing can separate you from His love. Nothing. 

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 8:38-39

You are a #ChosenandWorthy child of the King. Nothing can separate you from His love. Nothing #hope #series #MomentsofHope Share on X

I’m not a stranger to these kinds of days so you are not alone in this. I can wholeheartedly say, “Me, too.” I know that when I’m in that place, it takes self-discipline to fill my mind with Truth. And because I am a visual learner, physical reminders are extremely helpful. Having Truth in a place I can’t miss is what I need.

So today I made a printable list of 5 of my favorite scriptures reminding me of my worth. I’m calling them Love Notes because they truly are a message of God’s unfailing love for us. It’s a list you can print as a tangible reminder!

5 Love Notes to Remind You of Your Worth
5 Love Notes to Remind You of Your Worth - When you find yourself sinking downward into the place of believing lies about your worth, fill your mind with these 5 Scriptures of God's unfailing love for you. As a tangible reminder, a printable option is available! Lori Schumaker - #ChosenandWorthy #MomentsofHope
The printable PDF version of these verses is available in the Library of Hope along with many more valuable hope-filled resources!

I pray that as you walk through each day, you claim these Words over your life. Plant them in your heart. Speak them over your life. And repeat them moment by moment so that your mind is filled with Truth. The Truth that says you are a #ChosenandWorthy child of the King!

Here's 5 Love Notes to remind u of your worth! Join us at #MomentsofHope #ChosenandWorthy Share on X

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Encouraging & Equipping Women to Escape a Broken Identity; Join me and an array of gifted writers, authors, bloggers, and speakers as we journey from a broken identity to one firmly rooted in Christ. Lori Schumaker #ChosenandWorthy     Yes, you are "More Than a Victim"! It can be all too tempting to keep "picking at" the trauma from our past. Even if our history is littered with injuries from others or unavoidable circumstances, it is our choice to continue living with a "wounded" mentality. - Gretchen Fleming for Lori Schumaker and the #ChosenandWorthy Series    To the Girl Who Doesn't Know She is Worthy - In the reflection of whose mirror do you determine your worth? Is it out of the brokenness of man and the world? Or out of the One whose love is perfect and unfailing? #ChosenandWorthy - Lori Schumaker     Do your thoughts easily stray down a self-defeating path where every wrong turn, whether big or small, leaves a shame filled mark on your heart? Friends, let's say "no" to shame and trade those thoughts for ones that align with truth. The truth that says you are chosen and worthy! - #ChosenandWorthy - Lori Schumaker   What Label Are You Wearing- Have you ever allowed words to stick to you like a sticky descriptive nametag? Join Cindy Bultema as she shares her story of discovering she is #ChosenandWorthy. Learn Truth to replace the lies of shame and rejection. -Lori Schumaker     As you wait ... and wait ... and wait, have you questioned just what it is you are waiting on? Are you questioning your purpose? And questioning God? Don't lose hope and remember these 5 things we need to learn during this season of preparation! -Why Waiting Has You Questioning Everything - Lori Schumaker for Missional Women #ChosenandWorthy     On Race Lies and the Truth That Sets Free #ChosenandWorthy - Racism is a tool the enemy uses with an intent to destroy. There is a Truth, though, that defeats the lies and sets us free to live in victory.- Christin Baker for Lori Schumaker

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  1. Thank you for this rich series.
    Please note I linked your #ChosenandWorthy to my latest article.
    God Bless Lori

    1. Thank you so much for linking to me as one of your resources, Ifeoma! How kind of you! I pray your readers find this series and encouragement!

  2. What a joy to read such a timely post for me! Sometimes it feels like one step forward and two steps back. Sometimes it’s hard to crawl out of those dark places and replace lies with truth. The truth is God loves us and He will not leave us! EVER! I’m so thankful for you and the truth you pour into my life.

    1. Sweet Val, how you encourage me! I’m so thankful for what God lays upon my heart to truly encourage and equip others. It makes me smile big when I get messages like this! ♥ Thank you ♥

  3. Beautiful scripture. It is always a welcome thought to know how much he loves us! Thanks for sharing these and for hosting.

    1. God has a way with His Words, doesn’t He? 🙂 Timeless encouragement and knowing just what we need! Thanks, Sherry, for sharing hope alongside me here at #MomentsofHope!

  4. Swooning over these words today, and humming the old hymn: Jesus, Lover of My Soul.
    Thank you, Lori, for wonderful Monday words.

    1. So grateful these words encouraged you, Michele!

  5. I should not need reminding yet … always… always…I do need these beautiful words of God. I shall hold them dear and near. Thank you, Lori.

    1. Don’t worry, friend. We are all in need of the reminders more often than we like to admit ♥ Thankful these words encourage you!

  6. Hey Lori, I love your love notes. Thank you so much for thinking of these readers in this way. Blessings to you and thanks for hosting the linkup!

    1. Hi Tiffiney! I pray the love notes encourage and equip others to fight strong! Love seeing your smiling face here again! ♥

  7. Those are 5 powerful verses. Thanks for sharing them with us, Lori. You speak truth: “There is too much at stake to NOT grab hold of those moments, pray boldly, and cancel each and every lie with confidence.”

  8. Lori- Thank you for this reminder, those places are hard to crawl up from. The devil is all too happy to keep us there.
    The printable is awesome and the verses on there are so encouraging and hope-filled!
    I always leave your site filled again:)
    Blessings friend!

    1. Hi Julie,
      I’m so thankful for your words, friend. You are right, the enemy is all too happy doing that. I’m praying that this series gives others the equipping and courage to step out and claim the rightful heritage as chosen and worthy! Hugs, Lori

  9. mareedee2016 says:

    This post was beautifully written, from the pictures to the words to the scripture. Thank you for sharing. I heard myself saying, “me too.”



  10. Lori, I love your love notes! And here’s my favorite quote: “But, sweet warrior friends, there is too much at stake to NOT grab hold of those moments, pray boldly, and cancel each and every lie with confidence.” Yes! I love the thought of canceling the lies with confidence! Thank you for sharing this!

  11. debwilson2 says:

    Lori, Great thoughts and promises to remember. We live in a spiritual battle. Faith is our shield, and it is built by hearing the word of Christ. Thanks for helping us win the battle!

  12. Yes, it’s so true, Lori! We experience these ups and downs in our faith. They are to be expected. But we don’t have to stay in any downward moment when we have the Lord and His truth. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of that and the printable that captures the truth and love of our Savior. Always so encouraging to visit, Lori! Love your heart, my friend!

  13. jessicasummeroverstreet says:

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder, Lori! I am the world’s worst about falling into those dark holes of misery and defeat. I am praising my Lord and everything is going great, but as soon as that issue comes…and it always does, I am right back in my hole. I have learned that I have to have God’s truths about me on hand during these times. I can not rely on myself to break the chains. He has to do it through the power of His word!