Nothing Is Impossible With God but You Need to Remember THIS First!
In the Bible we are told, “Nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37) These words are true and give us such hope. Yet, we may also wonder why our lives look as they do and if nothing is impossible with God, why is this bad thing happening?
Nothing Is Impossible With God Is a Two-Part Equation
We undeniably serve a God who can do all things. He is faithful and loves us more than we can imagine. He also works things for our good.
Our good often means waiting. Sometimes it means the building up of character, patience, compassion, or strength. And our good means teaching us to be active participants in our faith.
Jesus wants us to receive Him and be doers of His Word. He won’t force Himself on us. We must open our hearts and receive His love. And I think we often forget the part where we must have active faith. Where we must believe, follow, and do.
A Time When I Didn’t Really Know That All Things Are Possible With God
I remember gazing around her home. The essence of family and of love was so present I felt as though I could physically touch it. That moment was over 20 years ago, yet I vividly remember it today.
They lived in a gorgeous home. Her kids were splashing loudly in the pool as her husband reached for some of the treats lying on the kitchen counter. To me, it felt as though I’d stepped into my forever dream … a dream I no longer believed possible.
At the time, I was convinced my future held less. I believed I deserved less — that I was unworthy of more.
Have you ever felt this way? Maybe it’s where you are right now. Something has happened. Either something you did or something was done to you. And it has given you cause to believe your dreams have no chance to live.
Forever gone. It’s just too late, too hard, or too broken.
But, friend, stop saying that. It’s just not true. I promise.
What Does Nothing Is Impossible With God Really Mean in the Bible?
God created the universe and all that is in it in six days. He made the sun so that we would see it rise each morning and set each evening. He set boundaries to the waters and the lands so that chaos would not ensue. So, yes, of course, He can do all things!
Except for the things He purposefully determined He not be able to do. (See the whole list of things God cannot do here on One of those, and most importantly, is lying (Hebrews 6:18) or changing His mind (1 Samuel 15:29). Because of this, His promises are worth our trust. He doesn’t and cannot break them.
God and His Word are one. As a matter of fact, if you explore various translations of Luke 1:37, you will see that “nothing is impossible with God” is interchangeable with “the Word of God will not fail.” Jodie Berndt phrases the difference in translations of Luke 1:37 this way.
As I pondered the contrast in meanings—some versions emphasizing the dependability of God’s word; others focusing on his power to do anything—it hit me: The different versions were not in conflict at all. Rather, they were two sides of the same coin.
Jodie Berndt
Nothing is impossible with God because his word gets the job done.
But one warning, don’t confuse God’s best for you with all your wants. Sometimes you will wait because you need strengthening and training for the journey. Other times, the answer is “no”. Maybe your “want” isn’t according to His will or maybe your heart isn’t in alignment with His. God loves you enough to say “no” even when it hurts.
9 Bible Verses to Help You Remember That Nothing Is Impossible With God
1. “For nothing will be impossible with God.” -Luke 1:37 ESV
2. But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” -Matthew 19:26 ESV
3. ‘Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you. -Jeremiah 32:17 ESV
4. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.” -Mark 10:27 ESV
5. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:13 ESV
6. “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” -Job 42:2 ESV
7. But he said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” -Luke 18:27 ESV
8. And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” -Mark 9:23 ESV
9. “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me? -Jeremiah 32:27 ESV
But How do You Start Believing and Living as Though It Is True?
Start with this Truth. (And start by reading it aloud to yourself repeatedly!)
“Nothing is impossible with Christ.” -Luke 1:37
Then believe it.
Friend, our belief plays a vital role in watching what was impossible become possible. Not just words that say we believe. But belief from the heart.
Two Examples of Believing Nothing Is Impossible With God
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
-Hebrews 11:6 NLT
Repeatedly throughout the Bible, we find people healed, redeemed, restored, and set free because of their faith.
Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”
Luke 8:48
Here we have the account of the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. Nothing healed her. I imagine she tried everything available to her at that time. She saw and possibly had heard about Jesus and knew He was her healer.
She fought through the crowd to get close to Him, risking punishment. Maybe she’d heard the stories of Jesus restoring honor to women in a time when they were treated as mere possessions. Either way, she knew that she knew that she knew that with Jesus healing was possible.
She got close enough to touch the hem of His cloak and immediately the bleeding stopped. She was healed because she believed in the power of Jesus to do all things.
“ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
Mark 9:23
Then we have the account of Jesus healing the boy who was possessed by a demon. His father begged Jesus to heal him. He pleaded, “But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”
That’s when Jesus, in a sense, rebuked him for asking, “If you can.” He told the man it wasn’t an “if” situation. He needed to believe if he wanted to witness the impossible.
And the boy was healed.
What Do You Believe?
Friend, you aren’t alone in your unbelief … in your doubt. But why? Why do we not believe we are worthy of our dreams? Or, phrased in another way. Why do we believe in less than God’s best for us?
I am convinced we believe in less because we don’t know all of God’s more. And the only way we can know His more is for us to read His Words within the pages of our Bibles. Without that, we cannot truly know Jesus, His heart for us, our identity in Him, and the possibilities alive through Him.
I am convinced we believe in less than God’s best for us because we don’t know all of God’s more.
Lori Schumaker
We start believing and living as though nothing is impossible with Christ by actively participating in our faith. By surrendering our hearts to the only One who is capable of holding them in the palms of His hands. Then, we read our Bibles and learn what riches lay within the pages. And finally, we worship, pray, go to church, join Bible studies, listen to Christian podcasts, and read Christian-based literature. Our part of the equation means active faith. Doing our faith each day.
Yes, we may easily claim to believe in Him — that He existed and died on the cross so that we may have salvation. We may know general facts about Him. But knowing Him, as in having a relationship with Him, is a whole different thing.
When we truly know Him, our faith can function in its fullness.
And it’s only then that we will believe in His best for us. A best that includes dreams once swept away and hopes once crushed.
God is the dream maker. He gave you a dream for a purpose. And with God, all things are possible.
What Causes Us to Settle?
As I’ve talked with young women over the years, I hear their stories of how they settled for less. They settle for a relationship that is unhealthy — for a partner who treats them disrespectfully, who is unkind or unloving. But these precious young women settle because they worry they may never find another. Or they worry because they somehow believe they aren’t worthy of more.
I get it, though. I see the young me in them and I’m reminded of my life story and all the pain I experienced. A young me who didn’t believe in the fantastic glory of God.
In and of ourselves, we may not have the platform, the resources, or the support to accomplish immeasurably more. But with God, my friend, immeasurably more is possible.
Here’s What You Need to Remember First
God does immeasurably more. He makes all things possible. But what we need to remember is that it also takes us doing our part. We can’t expect all the things if we aren’t willing to do all our things!
It takes faith and surrender. Active faith and active surrender.
You must trust, follow, and sometimes even leap. And it takes trying your best to say no to sin so that nothing comes between Him and you.
Missing out on some things may seem like a lot to ask. But when we follow God instead of following sin, everything begins to change for us. We find a deeper joy. Fun takes on a new life. Hype loses its power over us. We discover what the God-sized hole in our hearts has been longing for all along.
My Full-Circle Story of the Impossible Becoming Possible
I had the chance to catch up with the owner of that house not long ago. It was a by-chance meeting — a God-cidence.
It was my opportunity to share with her how God had used her in my life. How He whispered something into my heart that I would always remember.
So I told her the whole long story of feeling the love that lived in her home while doubting I would ever have that same kind of love in my own future. Then, how I held onto her words — the ones that told me to be patient and that I would have all of it someday.
She knew the young me — the broken me. So, I wanted her to know that she was right. That God had met me at my lowest and lifted me up and out of the pit. I told her that as I began to know Him more, my life began to turn around. Now, 25 years later, I try to be the words of reassurance to the young women and girls who walk into my home.
I listen to their stories that sound eerily similar to mine. And then I encourage them as she once encouraged me. I share my story with them and promise that nothing is impossible with God.
Immeasurably More is Possible
When I was notified that my book, Surrendered Hearts, won the bronze medal for the Illumination Book Awards, I was reminded of God’s immeasurably more. What a sweet surprise it was!
Surrendered Hearts is our family’s story of learning to surrender and trust God with our life outcomes. It’s about our adoption of our daughter, Selah, but it’s even more about believing in God’s best for us. It’s about living a surrendered life and what that looks like for each of us.
The truth is, I’ve always loved to write. But I never believed my first book would be a story about my family. The very family I didn’t believe was possible. As I walked through some pretty dark places, I didn’t believe I’d write a book or have a family filled with so much love. Much less write a book about our family that would end up winning an award.
You can read more about it here on my website or head right over to Amazon.
My Hope for You
As I write this to you today, I want you to know that your story isn’t over. Your mistakes and failures do not define you. Instead, they will serve as character-strengtheners and life-motivators. They are the steps on which you will stand as you meet your dreams. Dreams that once seemed impossible.
You can turn your life direction around. Trust me, please. Nothing is impossible with God as your Helper. He will never leave your side — God loves you that much.
He does immeasurably more when you start doing your part. Love Him back enough to turn your life over to Him. Get to know Him, live His way, and follow only Him.
Then, nothing … yes, nothing is impossible with Christ.
If this is the kind of hope you want more of, join thousands of other women and take an active role in your faith today!
You will receive access to the many free resources that will help you break free of insecurity and live a life of joy, peace, and unveiled HOPE!
Nothing is impossible with God. Like you, I remember having an older lady friend who spoke truth into my teen and early 20’s life. May we be these encouraging women for others. And congratulations on your award.
With God, Nothing is Impossible
Trust to Him never give up because God always with you
Amen! Thank you for joining me here. I pray you were encouraged!
I was singing “Nothing is impossible with God” – a gospel song and then I saw that was the title of your post. So I had to read it. Thank you for the encouragement.
Resurrection Week reminds me that what we think is impossible, God makes possible. This is the foremost thought on my mind this week, next to his love for us.
Your story reminds me to be an encourager even when I need encouragement. Believe.
Thanks for sharing.
Aww! I love how God works! And Amen … this week is such a good reminder that God makes the impossible possible. Thanks so much for stopping by and joining me here today. May you have a blessed Easter!
Such wonderful truths here Lori! And congratulations on your award, that is very exciting indeed!
It’s been awhile since we last connected but I’m glad I dropped by today. Remember you’re always welcome to drop by for a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer 😊
Blessings to you & your family this Easter, Jennifer
Thank you so much, Jennifer! It has been too long but it’s nice to know we can always come back to visit. I will stop by soon!